A good local marketing strategy includes a series of integrated actions aimed at  making users discover and get to know a physical store on the web. The one limited to a specific geographical area, a radius that, following the health emergency, has been considerably reduced, to the point of making local marketing assume the connotations of zero-kilometer marketing. But that with the reopening expands, also including other categories , such as people passing by, tourists, just to name a few.

The potential remains to be discovered: the role and advantages of local online marketing have, in fact, already been well defined for some time, as shown by the data that we will see below.Now the benefits are multiplying, because the customer journey is almost completely online where local marketing enhances its capabilities. Not being online, not adopting local marketing techniques means, in the delicate moment of restart, losing the possibility of an important competitive lever.

The local marketing tends to online promotion of a local company and the building of brand awareness, that is, the knowledge of a brand in a specific area. In this way, new customers, truly interested in a good or a service, discover that they have exactly what they were looking for in their territory. The strategy, in fact, which focuses on a very specific and limited target, to intercept the real potential customer. All this finds a precious ally in the analysis of behavioral data , geolocation and user navigation flows for optimized budget management.

Consumer habits have changed: almost 9 million people have rediscovered the shops near their home. At the same time, the online stay has grown: the customer. There is also a third element: the progressive rush to digitization has increased the online presence of commercial activities. Digital competition, therefore, is becoming increasingly fierce. So everyone now mostly are considering online shopping.

It means that in this moment, it is essential to be there . Be online, be visible. This is true for everyone, especially for micro-enterprises, for neighborhood shops and zero-kilometer businesses.

In this new scenario, local marketing assumes a central role , the set of all communication and promotion techniques that allow the geolocation of a company. In the sense of digital local marketing, giving the possibility to position the activity among the first results in online searches and facilitating the arrival of users in the physical place.

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