10 Ways a Criminal Defence Lawyer Can Help You

criminal defense lawyer in Charleston, SC
  1. A criminal defence lawyer can help you in a number of ways if you have been accused of a crime. The most obvious way is by representing you in court and trying to get the charges against you dropped or reduced. However, a good criminal defence lawyer can also help you in other ways. Here are some of the ways a criminal defence lawyer can help you:
  2. Investigating the Case: A good criminal defence lawyer will not just take your word for it that you are innocent. They will investigate the case themselves and try to find any holes in the prosecution’s case against you. They will also look for any possible defences that you may have.
  3. Advising You on What to Say: You should never talk to the police without a lawyer present. A criminal defence lawyer will advise you on what you should and should not say to the police. They can also help you if you are questioned by the media.
  4. Negotiating with the Prosecution: It will try to negotiate with the prosecutor to have the charges against you dropped or reduced. They may also be able to negotiate a plea deal for you.
  5. Representing You in Court: It is always in your best interest to have a lawyer represent you in court. They will know how to present your case in the best light and how to cross-examine witnesses.
  6. Investigating the Police: If you have been accused of a crime, it is possible that the police have acted improperly. A criminal defence lawyer will investigate the police to see if they violated your rights at any point during the investigation.
  7. Helping You Appeal: If you are convicted of a crime, a criminal defense lawyer in Charleston, SC can help you file an appeal. They will also be able to represent you during the appeals process.
  8. Getting You Out of Jail: If you are in jail awaiting trial, a criminal defence lawyer may be able to get you released on bail. They may also be able to get you released on your own recognizance.
  9. Helping You with Probation: If you are placed on probation, a criminal defence lawyer can help you make sure that you comply with the terms of your probation. They can also help you if you are accused of violating your probation.
  10. Other Legal Matters: A criminal defence lawyer can also help you with other legal matters that are related to your criminal case. For example, they can help you get your driver’s license back if it has been suspended because of your arrest.
  11. Peace of Mind: Having a criminal defence lawyer can help you have peace of mind. They can take care of everything related to your case, so you can focus on your life.

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